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IDEA #9:- Become a Social Media Manager

Social media manager :- S ocial media managers are in charge of representing a company across social channels as the sole voice of the brand. They respond to comments, compile campaigns and create content. These experts provide organizations with the guidance needed to enhance their online presence. S ocial Media management is one of the fastest growing industry and your services are in demand.  Many brands and small medium businesses are looking to outsource their social media marketing.
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IDEA #8 :- Become a Virtual Assistant

What is Virtual Assistant? Virtual Assistant:- Are you super organized and love working behind the scenes? If so, you might be the perfect candidate to start a virtual assistant (VA) business. A VA helps entrepreneurs, businesses, and executives organize their personal and professional lives. There’s a broad spectrum of duties, ranging from appointment scheduling to basic marketing management and everything in between. And everything is done online.

IDEA #7 :- Play video games and earn money online

Play video games and earn money online:- While many may think video games are a waste of time, it’s a hobby that can actually turn a profit. And there’s nothing more home-based than sitting on your couch in front of your TV. Esports and video game streaming platforms like Twitch have opened the door for gamers to gain notoriety—and eventually money—from their talents. The esports industry alone is worth more than $1.5 billion, and a Twitch streamer can get up to 100,000 viewers at a time.

IDEA #6 :- Become a freelance writer, designer, or developer

What is Freelancing ? If you’re interested in having a bit more control and freedom in your professional life, freelancing is an attractive option. earning money by selling your services or work to different organizations rather than being employed by a single company. A person who works as a writer, designer, performer, or the like, selling work or services by the hour, day, job, etc., rather than working on a regular salary basis for one employer. freelance job is one where a person works for themselves, rather than for a company. While freelancers do take on contract work for companies and organizations, they are ultimately self-employed.

IDEA #5 :- Launch a podcast

Definition of podcast :- A digital audio file made available on the Internet for downloading to a computer or mobile device, typically available as a series, new installments of which can be received by subscribers automatically.

IDEA #4 :- Sell unwanted items online

Sell unwanted items Online :- As consumers become more environmentally conscious, they’re also looking for ways to adjust their shopping habits to support sustainability. The resale clothing industry is a $4 billion industry in the U.S. alone You can start small with your own home-based business—sites like Poshmark and Mercari are great places to sell your unwanted clothing. You can even use Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace.

IDEA #3 :- Start a drop shipping store

How to start Drop shipping? When you run a drop shipping business, you sell products without buying them first. Instead, you contract with a supplier who will send the products directly to your customer. Because a drop shipping business has no overhead, you can usually run one out of your home or office.